For the publishing house Thienemann we brought an amazing picture book to digital life. At that time, this enhanced book illustrated every single feature the Tigerbooks platform would offer. So we all were very proud to present this state-of-the-art project.
Involved Skills
The print version consists of lovingly illustrated double pages and rhymed texts. We wanted to pay attention to those little details in order to emphasize the sweet character of that book. That is why almost every animal or person got animated and individually enriched with sound effects.
Project management
In close collaboration with the publishing house’s project manager I conceptualized the animations and sound effects and had direct contact to the responsible sound studio. If applicable, I delegated work and brought everything together in the end.
Tigerbooks workflow
Since at that time we put everything in the concept the Tigerbooks platform would offer, there was a lot do concerning cropping images, retouching backgrounds and animating every single object in Adobe Flash. Moreover, many sounds needed to get edited so they would match the animations.